Robert Ortiz Award Winning Artistic Documentarian
I was born in 1959 amongst a Cuban American immigrant family. My photographic career began at an early age of 15 photographing the people and scenery of Port Chester, NY. It was back in the mid 70s that I covered my first wedding. During the seventies, I developed my love for photography and decided to attend College, University of Miami, and get a degree in the field. After completing art and communication courses, I graduated in 1983 with a Fine Arts and Communications degree from the University of Miami. While living in Miami, I exhibited my work at various galleries and performed freelance work for the Miami Herald. In 1992, I became part of a five man team working as an associate cinematographer and photographer for MOONDRAGON PRODUCTIONS. It was there that I spent time in the Amazon jungle of Peru producing a documentary of the "Orellana" native people and their culture. In 1996, I moved to Rochester, NH inspired by the beauty I found after spending time on vacation in NH. In 2004, I opened "Robert Ortiz Photography & Videography". Today, you can find me as a member in the New Hampshire Art Association, Portsmouth, NH and Professional Photographers Association of America and the Wedding Photojournalist Association.
I currently reside with my very beautiful wife Sherry, my 17 year daughter photo assistant Isabella, company mascot-13 year old son Alex, and our puggle dog named Bruno -
Recent Accolades and projects
1st place winner Lassonde juried art show 2022 New Hampshire Art Association - Judge Patrick McCay
Received second place at The Copley Society Of Arts in Boston, MA for their National show: Crossing Borders 2022.
Received the “Lotte Jacobi Award’ by Gary Sampson (Photo Artist Laureate of New Hampshire) in 2021 - NH Art Association.
One of my images received a 3rd place in 2019 at Parfitt show at the New Hampshire Art Association.
My work published in 603 Diversity/New Hampshire Magazine on a regular basis.
Spent 2 weeks covering street photography in Havana, Cuba in 2019.
I was published in the “New Hampshire Now” book, a three year study of life in New Hampshire collaborated by Gary Sampson.
I was hired as the official photographer for UNH Manchester, NH.
In Another World 2020 Lotte Jacobi Award
New Hampshire Now Book 2021
Una De Muchas-2019 Parfitt 3rd place
Copley Society Of Art 2nd place